the music of brad nix
On this page, you'll find links to much of the music I've written. There's a ton of variety
here, both in terms of style and complexity and, hopefully, you'll find the piece that
will perfectly meet your musical needs.
It is difficult, even for me, to define my artistic "fingerprint." This is probably because I
write in a wide variety of genres, ranging from a cappella spirituals to Sacred Harp-
inspired hymns and harmonically rich tone poems. In fact, a colleague at a major
distribution company once said to me, "The one thing I've come to expect from a Brad
Nix anthem is the unexpected." I think he meant it as a compliment! I took it as one, at
I don't sell any products directly. Therefore, every title below is linked to the publisher's website. There, you'll find audio and/or video samples, as well as ordering information. If you have any questions about the music you find, please feel free to send me a note on the CONTACTS AND LINKS page.
calls to worship and introits
children's choir anthems
Come to the Courts of the Lord
Fanfare and Concertato on "Come, Christians, Join to Sing"
Introit on "O Come, All Ye Faithful"
Rise Up, O Church, With Singing
communion anthems
concert anthems
About Us Lies the Summer Night
Lord is My Light, The (I Will Rejoice!)
easter/lent/holy week anthems
General Anthems
Come to Calvary's Holy Mountain
Communion Reflection (Were You There?), A
Let Us Gather in the Shadow of the Cross
Lift High the Palms of Praise!
Reflections in the Cup (I Am the Lamb)
Ring the Easter Bells With Gladness
Across the Lands You're the Word of God
Rise Up, O Church, With Singing
hymn arrangements
Fanfare and Concertato on "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name"
Fanfare and Concertato on "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
Fanfare and Concertato on "Blessed Assurance"
Fanfare and Concertato on "Come, Christians, Join to Sing"
Fanfare and Concertato on "Holy, Holy, Holy"
Fanfare and Concertato on "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord"
Fanfare and Concertato on "I Stand Amazed in the Presence"
Fanfare and Concertato on "It is Well with My Soul"
Fanfare and Concertato on "O Worship the King"
Fanfare and Concertato on "Praise to the Lord the Almighty"
Fanfare and Concertato on "The Church's One Foundation"
Fanfare and Concertato on "To God Be the Glory"
Fanfare and Concertato on "We're Marching to Zion"
Praise My Soul, the King of Heaven
Spirit of God, Descend Upon My Heart
multi-cultural anthems
new year anthems
pentecost anthems
piano/instrumental music
Music of the Masters for the Master
All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
Come, All Christians, Be Committed
Lord, I Want to be a Christian
When I Can Read My Title Clear
When Stephen, Full of Power and Grace
sacred vocal music
A Time for Song (Volume 1)
A Time for Song (Volume 2)
spirituals and jazz-flavored anthems
sunday school music and anthems